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What's Involved in our Training

what to expect

These are the services I offer my clients to best help them achieve their goals. In all the years I've been working in this industry I've found that people at all levels of fitness need help along the way but asking for it is not always easy. Instead of struggling through something you might not know about or just need the motivation to push to the next level, take the first step towards helping yourself become the best version of you.



In your one on one personal training sessions you will be taught how to properly exercise safely and with control to optimize your results. You will be given workout plans as well as nutritional advice to help you outside the training sessions. The program is designed to teach you how to work out with confidence so you no longer struggle to reach your goals inside and outside the gym.


Working out in group settings can be very motivational for most people who do not like working out alone. Even those who do find it is a fresh change of pace having others striving towards similar goals. Group training consists of everyone doing the same exercises or switching off between a few to get everyone involved in the fun.




The part of reaching a fitness goal that people struggle with often is proper diet and nutrition. We provide day to day nutritional advice and accountability to help those in need of guidance with their diet. We also have a food preparation service for anyone struggling to make their own meals consistently and healthy.


When training you will need to take advantage of the benefits that Cardio exercises have to offer. They will be an intricate part of your work out plans for many reasons including weight loss, endurance, bone density, heart health, etc. Adding cardio to your daily work out routines will highly increase your chances of reaching your fitness goals.




Our core is one of the most important parts of the body, also one of the most neglected especially outside the gym. Working on posture and proper form during exercise is a crucial part of our training process. Those who feel they struggle with these parts of their workouts should consider contacting us to further their knowledge on these exercises.

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